(a) Any member may attend board meetings, except when the board adjourns to, or meets solely in, executive session. As specified in subdivision (b) of Section 4090, a member of the association shall be entitled to attend a teleconference meeting or the portion of a teleconference meeting that is open to members, and that meeting or portion of the meeting shall be audible to the members in a location specified in the notice of the meeting.
(b) The board shall permit any member to speak at any meeting of the association or the board, except for meetings of the board held in executive session. A reasonable time limit for all members of the association to speak to the board or before a meeting of the association shall be established by the board.
Related Topics
Related Statutes
- AB-21 (DeMaio) Common interest developments: association management and meeting procedures.
- SB-391 (Min) Common interest developments: emergency powers and procedures.
- AB 1720 (Wagner). Common Interest Developments: Meetings. (Attorney Attendance)
- Civil Code Section 4935. Executive Session Meetings.
- Civil Code Section 4930. Limitations on Board Meetings.
- Civil Code Section 4920. Notice of Board Meetings.
- Civil Code Section 4090. “Board Meeting” Defined.
Related Case Law
- SB Liberty, LLC v. Isla Verde Association, Inc.
(2013) 217 Cal.App.4th 272
[Board Meetings; Attendance Rights] The right to attend a HOA’s board meetings extends only to the HOA’s members, not a member’s agent or attorney.
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Homeowner Attorneys at your HOA’s Board Meetings? This Could Become the New Normal – Published on HOA Lawyer Blog (January 29, 2016)