(a) The board may adjourn to, or meet solely in, executive session to consider litigation, matters relating to the formation of contracts with third parties, member discipline, personnel matters, or to meet with a member, upon the member’s request, regarding the member’s payment of assessments, as specified in Section 5665.
(b) The board shall adjourn to, or meet solely in, executive session to discuss member discipline, if requested by the member who is the subject of the discussion. That member shall be entitled to attend the executive session.
(c) The board shall adjourn to, or meet solely in, executive session to discuss a payment plan pursuant to Section 5665.
(d) The board shall adjourn to, or meet solely in, executive session to decide whether to foreclose on a lien pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 5705.
(e) Any matter discussed in executive session shall be generally noted in the minutes of the immediately following meeting that is open to the entire membership.
Related Topics
Related Statutes
- AB-21 (DeMaio) Common interest developments: association management and meeting procedures.
- Civil Code Section 4930. Limitations on Board Meetings.
- Civil Code Section 4925. Rights to Attend Open Meetings; Open Forum.
- Civil Code Section 4923. Emergency Board Meetings.
- Civil Code Section 4920. Notice of Board Meetings.