For the purposes of this article, the following definitions shall apply:
(a) “Association records” means all of the following:
(1) Any financial document required to be provided to a member in Article 7 (commencing with Section 5300) or in Sections 5565 and 5810.
(2) Any financial document or statement required to be provided in Article 2 (commencing with Section 4525) of Chapter 4.
(3) Interim financial statements, periodic or as compiled, containing any of the following:
(A) Balance sheet.
(B) Income and expense statement.
(C) Budget comparison.
(D) General ledger. A “general ledger” is a report that shows all transactions that occurred in an association account over a specified period of time.
The records described in this paragraph shall be prepared in accordance with an accrual or modified accrual basis of accounting.
(4) Executed contracts not otherwise privileged under law.
(5) Written board approval of vendor or contractor proposals or invoices.
(6) State and federal tax returns.
(7) Reserve account balances and records of payments made from reserve accounts.
(8) Agendas and minutes of meetings of the members, the board, and any committees appointed by the board pursuant to Section 7212 of the Corporations Code; excluding, however, minutes and other information from executive sessions of the board as described in Article 2 (commencing with Section 4900).
(9) Membership lists, including name, property address, mailing address, email address, as collected by the association in accordance with Section 4041 where applicable, but not including information for members who have opted out pursuant to Section 5220.
(10) Check registers.
(11) The governing documents.
(12) An accounting prepared pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 5520.
(13) An “enhanced association record” as defined in subdivision (b).
(14) “Association election materials” as defined in subdivision (c).
(b) “Enhanced association records” means invoices, receipts, and canceled checks for payments made by the association, purchase orders approved by the association, bank account statements for bank accounts in which assessments are deposited or withdrawn, credit card statements for credit cards issued in the name of the association, statements for services rendered, and reimbursement requests submitted to the association.
(c) “Association election materials” means returned ballots, signed voter envelopes, the voter list of names, parcel numbers, and voters to whom ballots were to be sent, proxies, the candidate registration list, and the tally sheet of votes cast by electronic secret ballot. Signed voter envelopes may be inspected but may not be copied. An association shall maintain association election materials for one year after the date of the election.
Related Topics
Related Statutes
- AB-21 (DeMaio) Common interest developments: association management and meeting procedures.
- Corporations Code Section 7212. Executive Committees.
- Civil Code Section 5520. Reserve Funds for Litigation.
- Civil Code Section 5215. Redacting Information from Association Records.
- Civil Code Section 5210. Time Periods for Production of Association Records.
- Civil Code Section 5205. Inspection of Association Records.
Related Case Law
- Smith v. Laguna Sur Villas Community Association
(2000) 79 Cal.App.4th 639
[Association Records; Attorney-Client Privilege] A HOA, the corporate entity, is entitled to claim attorney-client privilege for communications between the HOA and its attorneys. The HOA’s members are not the holders of the privilege; rather, the HOA’s Board of Directors is the holder of the privilege.
- Chantiles v. Lake Forest II Master Homeowners Association
(1995) 37 Cal.App.4th 914
[Director Inspection Rights; Privacy] A director’s record inspection rights may be limited by the association’s duty to protect the privacy rights of its members in their voting decisions.