(a) Subject to Sections 8331 and 8332, and unless the corporation provides a reasonable alternative pursuant to subdivision (c), a member may do either or both of the following as permitted by subdivision (b):
(1) Inspect and copy the record of all the members’ names, addresses and voting rights, at reasonable times, upon five business days’ prior written demand upon the corporation which demand shall state the purpose for which the inspection rights are requested; or
(2) Obtain from the secretary of the corporation, upon written demand and tender of a reasonable charge, a list of the names, addresses and voting rights of those members entitled to vote for the election of directors, as of the most recent record date for which it has been compiled or as of a date specified by the member subsequent to the date of demand. The demand shall state the purpose for which the list is requested. The membership list shall be made available on or before the later of ten business days after the demand is received or after the date specified therein as the date as of which the list is to be compiled.
(b) The rights set forth in subdivision (a) may be exercised by:
(1) Any member, for a purpose reasonably related to such person’s interest as a member. Where the corporation reasonably believes that the information will be used for another purpose, or where it provides a reasonable alternative pursuant to subdivision (c), it may deny the member access to the list. In any subsequent action brought by the member under Section 8336, the court shall enforce the rights set forth in subdivision (a) unless the corporation proves that the member will allow use of the information for purposes unrelated to the person’s interest as a member or that the alternative method offered reasonably achieves the proper purpose set forth in the demand.
(2) The authorized number of members for a purpose reasonably related to the members’ interest as members.
(c) The corporation may, within ten business days after receiving a demand under subdivision (a), deliver to the person or persons making the demand a written offer of an alternative method of achieving the purpose identified in said demand without providing access to or a copy of the membership list. An alternative method which reasonably and in a timely manner accomplishes the proper purpose set forth in a demand made under subdivision (a) shall be deemed a reasonable alternative, unless within a reasonable time after acceptance of the offer the corporation fails to do those things which it offered to do. Any rejection of the offer shall be in writing and shall indicate the reasons the alternative proposed by the corporation does not meet the proper purpose of the demand made pursuant to subdivision (a).
Related Topics
Related Statutes
- AB-21 (DeMaio) Common interest developments: association management and meeting procedures.
- Corporations Code Section 8338. Misuse of Membership List; Liability.
- Corporations Code Section 8335. Delay in Providing Membership List.
- Corporations Code Section 8333. Records Inspection Rights of Members.
- Corporations Code Section 8332. Petition to Restrict Inspection of Membership List.
- Corporations Code Section 8331. Petition to Set Aside Demand for Membership List.
- Civil Code Section 5230. Misuse of Association Records.
Related Case Law
- Tract No. 7260 Association, Inc. v. Parker
(2017) 10 Cal.App.5th 24
[Membership List; Inspection Denial] A homeowners association (HOA) may restrict a member’s request for access to the HOA’s membership list when the request is for an improper purpose.
- Worldmark v. Wyndham Resort Dev. Corp.
(2010) 187 Cal.App.4th 1017
[Membership List; Email Addresses] The “addresses” of members which must be disclosed with a member’s request to inspect the membership list pursuant to Corp. Code § 8330(a) includes the members’ email addresses.
Related Links
Access to HOA Membership List Must be for a Proper Purpose – Published on HOA Lawyer Blog (April, 2017)