Main Sections of FindHOALaw
TOPIC INDEX contains substantive articles on various HOA law topics. The articles outline and summarize relevant information pulled from the Davis-Stirling Act, California statutes and case law in an objective and easy-to-read manner. The articles are organized under 18 main categories found within Topic Index (i.e., Architectural Control, Board Meetings, etc.). *Topic Index is a great place to start researching information on this website.
DAVIS-STIRLING ACT contains every provision of the Davis-Stirling Common Interest Development Act—the principal body of California Civil Code sections governing HOAs and common interest developments.
MISC. CODES & REGS contains other provisions of California law governing HOAs that are not part of the Davis-Stirling Act (i.e., Business & Professions Code, Corporations Code, etc.).
CASE LAW contains significant California court decisions that have shaped HOA law and that impact community association governance. These cases have resolved ambiguities in the Davis-Stirling Act and other statutes governing HOAs, and have helped define the rights and responsibilities of HOA members, Directors and industry professionals. Note: The cases found on FindHOALaw are not exhaustive and may have been revised by subsequent cases. Attorneys should always research the status of a particular case found on this website before citing or otherwise relying upon it.
LEGISLATION tracks the bills affecting HOAs and HOA law which have been proposed by the California Legislature. It tracks which bills are currently pending, which bills have been signed into law (“chaptered bills”), and dead bills that never made it into law.
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