AB 1079 (Cunningham). Common interest developments: association: annual policy statement.

Would change the time requirements for distribution of the annual policy statement to be within 31 to 91 days before the fiscal year end.

Current Status: Dead

FindHOALaw Quick Summary:

Existing law requires the association to distribute an annual policy statement, containing specified information, to the members within 30 to 90 days before the fiscal year end.  This bill would amend Civil Code Section 5310 to change the time requirements for distribution to be within 31 to 91 days before the fiscal year end.

To read the current text of AB 1079, click here to the view the bill’s page on the California Legislature’s website. FindHOALaw will continue to track AB 10179 as it progresses through the Legislature. 


View more info on AB 1079
from the California Legislature's website