Would make changes to several sections of the David-Stirling Act affecting use restrictions, enforcement, elections, and speech.
Current Status: Chaptered
FindHOALaw Quick Summary:
Existing law regulates governing documents and protects certain uses of a homeowner’s separate property. That law, among other things, prohibits an association from restricting a homeowner’s right to rent or lease a separate interest unless the governing document or amendment that restricts a homeowner’s right to rent or lease their separate interest existed prior to the homeowner acquiring title to the separate interest. Existing law also prohibits the governing documents of an association from establishing unreasonable restrictions on the use of a homeowner’s backyard for personal agriculture.
This bill would amend Civil Code Section 4740 to prohibit the governing documents from restricting a homeowner’s right to rent or lease their separate interest, or any portion thereof, without regard to whether such restriction existed at the time the homeowner acquired title to the separate interest. This bill would also amend Civil Code Section 4750 to extend the provision protecting a homeowner’s right to use their backyard for personal agriculture to include all of the homeowner’s separate interest.
Existing law authorizes an association to restrict a member’s actions and speech while in the common development. This bill would add Civil Code Section 4754 to prohibit any restrictions on discussions critical of the association.
Existing law authorizes associations to establish penalties for violation of the governing documents, and regulates how an association may enforce such penalties.
**AB-1410 was signed in to law September 30, 2022 and takes effect January 1, 2023.
from the California Legislature's website
Related Topics
- Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs)
- Duty to Enforce
- Suspension of Privileges
- Fine Policy & Fine Schedule
- Notice & Hearing Requirements
- Fines (Monetary Penalties)
- Internal Dispute Resolution (IDR)
- Occupancy Restrictions
- Renter Rights
- Limitations on Rental Prohibitions
- Rental Restrictions (Generally)
- Executive Session
- Annual Policy Statement
- Reimbursement & Compliance Assessments
Related Statutes
- Civil Code Section 4741. Prohibitions on Rental Restrictions.
- Civil Code Section 4751. Accessory Dwelling Units.
- Government Code Section 65852.22. Junior Accessory Dwelling Units.
- Government Code Section 65852.2. Accessory Dwelling Units.
- Civil Code Section 4515. Rights of Assembly and Non-Commercial Speech.
- Code of Civil Procedure Section 336. Violation of Restrictions; Statute of Limitations.
- Corporations Code Section 7341. Suspension of Membership Rights.
- Civil Code Section 5865. Effect on Authority to Impose Penalties.
- Civil Code Section 5855. Disciplinary Measures; Notice of Hearing; Notice of Decision.
- Civil Code Section 5850. Schedule of Monetary Penalties (Fines).
- Civil Code Section 5725. Liens for Reimbursement Assessments, Monetary Penalties; Limitations.
- Civil Code Section 4740. Rental Restriction Limitations.
- Civil Code Section 4040. Notice or Delivery to Individuals.
Related Case Law
- Mission Shores Association v. Pheil
(2008) 83 Cal.App.4th 789
[Amendments to CC&Rs; Rent Restriction] An amendment to the CC&Rs which empowered the HOA to evict tenants who violate the CC&Rs was held to be reasonable.
- Villa De Las Palmas Homeowners Association v. Terifaj
(2004) 33 Cal.4th 73
[CC&R Amendments; Binding Effect] CC&R amendments enacted by homeowners are accorded the same presumption of reasonableness as those imposed by developer; CC&R amendments are binding against both current and future homeowners.
- Nahrstedt v. Lakeside Village Condominium Association, Inc.
(1994) 8 Cal. 4th 361
[Governing Documents; Use Restrictions] CC&R restrictions are presumed reasonable, and are enforceable unless they are arbitrary, impose burdens on the use of land that outweigh their benefits, or violate public policy.
Related Links
SB 323 Signed! The New State of HOA Election Laws - Published on HOA Lawyer Blog (October 2019)
SB 407 Signed! Legislation Broadens Assembly and Speech Rights Within HOAs - Published on HOA Lawyer Blog (September 2017)
Complaining about your HOA is a Constitutionally Protected Activity - Published on HOA Lawyer Blog (March 2011)