Would require an association to provide a Restrictive Covenant Modification form with the governing documents.
Current Status: Chaptered
FindHOALaw Quick Summary:
Existing law requires a county recorder, title insurance company, escrow company, real estate broker, real estate agent, or association that delivers a copy of a declaration, governing document, or deed, to place a cover page or stamp on the first page of the previously recorded document stating that if the document contains any restriction that unlawfully discriminates based on any of the characteristics specified above, that document is void.
This bill would amend Government Code Section 12956.1 to require a county recorder, title insurance company, escrow company, real estate broker, real estate agent, or association that delivers a copy of a declaration, governing document, or deed to a person who holds an ownership interest of record in property to also provide a Restrictive Covenant Modification form with specified procedural information.
**UPDATE: AB 1466 was signed by the Governor on September 28, 2021. Its changes to the law take effect January 1, 2022.
from the California Legislature's website
Related Topics
Related Statutes
- Government Code Section 12956.1. Discriminatory Restrictions in Documents.
- Government Code Section 12955. Discriminatory Restrictions on Housing.
- Civil Code Section 4225. No Unlawful Restrictive Covenants.
- Civil Code Section 4150. “Governing Documents” Defined.
- Civil Code Section 4135. “Declaration” Defined.
- Civil Code Section 4080. “Association” Defined.