Would protect the confidentiality of association members in the Safe at Home program.
Current Status: Chaptered
FindHOALaw Quick Summary:
Existing law establishes an address confidentiality program for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, human trafficking, or elder or dependent adult abuse, commonly known as the Safe at Home program, under which an adult person, or a guardian on behalf of a minor or an incapacitated person, states that they are a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, human trafficking, or elder or dependent adult abuse, and designates the Secretary of State as the agent for service of process and receipt of mail. Under existing law, when the Secretary of State certifies the person as a program participant, the person’s actual address is confidential.
This bill would add Civil Code Section 5216 to require the association of a common interest development to accept and use the address designated by the Secretary of State as the Safe at Home participant’s substitute address for association communications and to withhold or redact information that would reveal the name and address of the Safe at Home participant in specified communications of the association.
**UPDATE: AB 611 was signed by the Governor on August 31, 2021. Its changes to the law take effect January 1, 2022.
from the California Legislature's website
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- Published on HOA Lawyer Blog (September 2018)