SB-410 (Grayson) Common interest developments: disclosures to prospective purchasers: exterior elevated elements inspection.

Would add the resulting inspection report of the exterior elevated elements to the list of disclosures to prospective purchasers.

Current Status: Pending

FindHOALaw Quick Summary:

Existing law requires the board of a condominium association to cause a visual inspection to be conducted, at least every 9 years, of the exterior elevated elements for which the association has maintenance or repair responsibility. Existing law requires the owner of a separate interest to provide specified documents to a prospective purchaser, as provided, and an association to provide to the owner of a separate interest, upon request, those specified documents. Existing law requires an association to distinguish and bill separately any fee charged for providing those specified documents to the owner and provides a form for billing disclosures.

This bill would amend Civil Code Section 4525 to include in the list of documents that an owner is required to provide to a prospective purchaser the result of an inspection of any exterior elevated elements, and would modify the Civil Code Section 4528 form to reflect this requirement.


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