Would require debt collection firms to obtain a license and comply with reporting, examination, and other oversight by a state commissioner.
Current Status: Chaptered
FindHOALaw Quick Summary:
from the California Legislature's website
Related Topics
- Payment Plans
- Attorney’s Fees Recovery
- Small Claims Collection Actions
- Money Judgments (Assessment Collection)
- Judicial Foreclosure of Assessment Lien
- Assessment Lien Enforcement (Generally)
- Partial Payments
- Limitations on Foreclosure of Assessment Lien
- Priority of Payments
- Assessment Lien Release
- Notice of Delinquent Assessment (Assessment Lien)
- Collection Policy
- Pre-Lien Letter
- Late Charges & Interest
- Collection Fees & Costs
- Assessment Liens & Judgment Liens (Generally)
- Duty to Pay Assessments
Related Statutes
- AB 2420 (Jones). Debt Collection: Attorneys: Exemption.
- Civil Code Section 1188.2. Rosenthal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act; Definitions.
- Civil Code Section 5720. Limitations on Foreclosure of Assessment Lien.
- Civil Code Section 5700. Assessment Lien Enforcement Generally.
- Civil Code Section 5675. Notice of Delinquent Assessment (Assessment Lien).
- Civil Code Section 5660. Pre-Lien Notice; Requirements.
- Civil Code Section 5658. Payment Under Protest.
- Civil Code Section 5655. Priority of Assessment Payments; Receipts; Overnight Payment.
- Civil Code Section 5650. Debt of Owner; Assessments, Late Charges, Collection Costs, Interest.
Related Case Law
- Mashiri v. Epsten Grinnell & Howell
(2017) 845 F.3d 984
[FDCPA; Collection Notice] Homeowner successfully alleged that HOA law firm violated FDCPA because pre-lien notice payment demand timeline was inconsistent with the right under the FDCPA to dispute the debt within 30 days of receipt of letter.
- Bear Creek Master Association v. Edwards
(2005) 31 Cal.Rptr.3d 337
[Duty to pay; Assessment Liens] A recorded assessment lien secures the assessment debt that continues to accrue on the owner’s account; the debt is not limited solely to the amount stated in the lien at the time the lien was initially recorded.
- Multani v. Witkin & Neal
(2013) 215 Cal.App.4th 1428
[Assessment Collection; Redemption Rights] A nonjudicial foreclosure sale may be set aside where a HOA fails to notify the foreclosed owner of his/her redemption rights after the foreclosure sale.
- Diamond v. Superior Court
(2013) 217 Cal.App.4th 1172
[Assessment Collection; Notice Requirements] A HOA must strictly adhere to the statutory lien and foreclosure notice requirements in order to perfect an assessment lien and foreclose on a homeowner’s property.
- Huntington Continental Townhouse Association, Inc. v. Miner
(2014) 230 Cal.App.4th 590
[Assessments & Collection; Partial Payments] An association is required to accept partial payments made by a delinquent homeowner and allocate them in accordance with Civil Code Section 5655, even after the association has recorded an assessment lien.