New requirements for a HOA to disclose whether it is a FHA or VA-approved condominium project as part of the HOA’s annual budget report.
Current Status: Chaptered
FindHOALaw Quick Summary:
Existing law requires an association to prepare and distribute to all of its members an annual budget report. AB 596 (Daly) would amend, repeal and add Civil Code § 5300 to require the annual budget report to also include a statement describing the status of the common interest development as a Federal Housing Administration (FHA)-approved condominium project and as a federal Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)-approved condominium project.
*UPDATE: AB 596 was approved on August 12, 2015 and its changes to the law become effective on July 1, 2016.
from the California Legislature's website
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AB 596 Signed! New FHA and VA Disclosures Required Beginning July 1, 2016 - Published on HOA Lawyer Blog, August 24, 2015.